Te.A. Consulting S.r.l. operates in the fields of environmental consultancy, regional planning and safety at work.
The multidisciplinary nature of the Te.A. team and the exchanges between professionals means that customers can view problems from several points of view and benefit from an array of skills.

Territorio Ambiente Consulting
Regional planning, the environment and safety are what we do!
Understanding the context to prevent and protect.
Te.A. consulting's consultancy aims to analyze a specific context in order to objectively identify its issues and design a possible intervention.
The organisational structure of Te.A. ensures timely, top-quality service by adopting a working method built up over the years and a sound set-up.
The multidisciplinary nature of the Te.A. team and the exchanges between professionals means that customers can view problems from several points of view and benefit from an array of skills.
Keeping up-to-date
Keeping up-to-date
Being constantly current to offer up-to-date advice is paramount in an ever-changing regulatory environment.
Regional planning and environment
in step with progress

I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.
Andy Warhol

The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
Lady Bird Johnson

I am I plus my surroundings; and if I do not preserve the latter, I do not preserve myself.